Since I’m in online sales, I always enjoy seeing what other people in the same biz are doing. I used to have a booth too, but that’s long gone so all I can report on are what sold on Etsy and Ebay for June 2017.
June is typically a slow month with Summer vacations and outside activities. I made a total of 26 sales for both Ebay and Etsy. I seldom list or sell much on Ebay anymore. Most of my sales take place on Etsy. Here they are~
Vintage Wicker Sewing Basket….I was glad to see this go. I’ve had it a good while. Sold $15
Vintage Quilt Top, acquired recently with other quilting items. Sold $20
Vintage 40’s Tablecloth in perfect condition. Sold $23
Vintage Singer Sewing Machine Attachments. These usually sell pretty well if not priced too high. Sold $23
Isn’t this antique Roseville Pottery Vase exquisite? The picture doesn’t do it justice at all. Sold $110.
A set of unopened recipe cards. Sold $6
A lucky thrift store find that I painted and glazed…Shabby chic ornate picture frame. Sold $40.
A lovely vintage Madame Alexander Binnie Walker doll….not in great shape. Sold at Ebay auction for $22.50
A Baby Genius Madame Alexander doll. Sold at Ebay auction for $20.50
I found these at a yard sale about 3 years ago, and I’ve held onto them because I really liked them, but I haven’t used many, so I decided to sell the rest. You can’t keep everything (my motto), and they sold very quickly. Sold $35
I was disappointed I didn’t get more for these little packages of vintage HO train couplers and headlight lenses for model HO trains. Sold at Ebay auction for $5.99
Just about anything “Vogue Ginny doll” sells. I found this little doll shoe in among some other stuff I had. Sold $4.50
Flag fabric, 1 yd. Sold $5.50
US Flag Belt Buckle. Glad to see this go. I’ve had it a long time, but don’t think I had it listed very long. Sold $15.00
You wouldn’t think anything with a monogram/initial would sell, but I’ve sold several different things that were personalized. Sold $35.
MCM Collator which you can use for a mail sorter or an LP record holder. Found this at a thrift store in Houston. Sold $18
I charged extra for elbow grease on these candlesticks…LOL. They were in terrible shape…tarnished and covered with wax drips. It took me a long time to clean them up. And it took me an hour to find them too. Sometimes I hide them from myself! Sold $30.00
Ornate Brass Door Knob. Sold $23
I don’t think I asked enough for this vintage Beatles’ album, but it was in line with what other people were asking. Sold $11.
This is a lovely little set, I’ve had FOREVER, marked “made in Bavaria” on the bottom, but the hair receiver had a bad chip and messy repair on the side, which, of course, devalued this sweet set. Sold for $34, which included free shipping.
Over 4 yards of beautiful red and blue bandana fabric. Sold $29.00
A slow seller…Vintage 8 mm Brownie Movie Camera…Sold $20
I was surprised these sold at all considering how most of them were broken and repaired. Sold $20
Dating from the ’70’s…a vintage road atlas….Sold $17
Western scarf slide….Sold $15
Beautiful 5 light wooden candlesticks on the round base. Great condition, but took a good long while to sell. It was one of those pieces I hated to paint because it looked so good as is. Sold $22.89
That’s it for the month of June, and considering this is normally such a slow month, it was a great number of sales. Keeping fingers crossed for July!
Thanks for reading my post!
Latest posts by Florence (see all)
- The Latest Vintage Hauls - February 10, 2020
- A Vintage Fall Haul - November 3, 2019
- September Sales on Etsy and My New Antique Booth - September 30, 2019
- Camping Trip Thrift Store Haul - August 2, 2019
Wow, was that the atlas that I just let go? $17??? Great job, Florence. Thanks for sharing your sales information 🙂
I don’t even remember where we got that atlas. $17 was too much, or $17 wasn’t enough? LOL.
Thank you for sharing your sales. Encourages me to get started.
Glad you got inspired Marie. Thanks for your comment.
Wow, you did great!!
Thank you Tania!
So happy you’re sharing your sales! Hey. You dun good! That single doll shoe is so funny! I would never have thought of listing just one shoe. 😀
I haven’t got mine together yet, but it shouldn’t take long. Sigh. June was pretty much a wash-out for us.
Yeah, you were my inspiration Wanda, on doing this sales report. Looking forward to seeing yours too. Yeah, the doll shoe…I’ve sold single doll shoes before…Barbie, Chatty Cathy, Ginny…anything highly collectible. I debated with myself before I listed it about it not being worth it, but I thought, “why not?” So I was glad I did.
I enjoyed seeing what you sold. It encourages me to get my act together to set up an ETSY shop. The Roseville vase is gorgeous. I would have had a hard time parting with it.
Get your act together Sharon….LOL. On second thought, don’t get your act together…more competition…y’know. Yes the Roseville was gorgeous. I was selling it for a friend who is trying to downsize her stuff. That’s what I need to be doing.
Thank you for sharing at Snickerdoodle.
Thank you Sharon
It looks like you had a good month. Knowing you are a Beatles fan I was surprised to see you sold the record. I bet it was a duplicate. 🙂
Thanks Debra! I do love the Beatles, but not so much this period of their music. If that had been one of their early records, I would have snatched it. Well, I snatched this one too b/c you just don’t see Beatles’ albums at yard sales or anywhere…very rarely, that is. I just lucked up that day.
I am always curious about what is currently selling and LOVE these posts! How pretty is that green tablecloth?! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures
Thank you for the sweet comments Marci! This is my first time to do a sales report, so I’m glad you liked it. Others will to, we hope.
Hi Florence,
Wow, you make me want to open an Etsy shop. I have a lot of stuff I have collected over the years that could use a new home. I even have some vintage Singer pieces. The Roseville vase is gorgeous.
Go for it Patti! Thanks for dropping by and leaving a nice comment too!
That’s awesome! I love seeing what others are interested in. You have quite a varied collection. I am sure that brings a lot of eyes!
Hope so! Thanks Kim and for dropping in!
I’m so glad you had a good month Florence, that’s great. I’m kicking myself for not seeing those beautiful door handles and knobs before. They’re gorgeous.
Thank you Michelle! I wish there wasn’t such a problem sending things to South Africa.
Florence there are so many little treasures here, I have to admit I was oohing and ahhing but when I saw that shabby chic frame I really went WOW!! And the Beatles should have fetched at least $100. guess most folks like the early Beatles more.
Thank you Mary! I bought that frame a while back. It really looks good painted, doesn’t it? I was very pleased & it didn’t take long to sell at all. Yeah, the Beatles. It SHOULD have fetched more, but this wasn’t their most popular period. LOL
Florence, I’m so glad you had a great month! I love that vase, oh my, it’s gorgeous!!! Awesome job Florence!! I hope July is a great month for you as well!
Thank you Keri. It was a surprisingly good month, considering June is usually slow.
Hi Florence I just stumbled upon your blog and really like how you show all the pieces you use in each project. I also like how you have the attitude of, “If life gives you lemons ????, make some lemonade”! Projects do not always go as planned or turn out like we have it in our heads, Ha! But you seem to make light of it and go with it… I also love how you just share your information freely. Some people are so secretive about EVERYTHING… What they sell, how they sell it, how they make it, etc. I figure we’re all out here trying to find our groove and if I can help someone else with something, I will do my best to do so!! Thank you for your inspiration! I will be looking forward to viewing your new posts ???? Have a great day!!
Julie, thank you so much! You’ve touched me with your kind words. I’m glad you like my blog! Oh yes, projects definitely don’t always go as planned…sometimes better, sometimes not. I’ve found that I enjoy sharing my knowledge if it helps others. I used to be scared to share it too, but I found out it’s OK. You’re right, we’re all striving to be the best we can, to make little successes where we can. I’m so glad you’ve found inspiration!