Hi there friends and new subscribers! Just want you to know I LOVE having you here, so I’m going to dig in to show you some of my latest finds.
Vintage Hauls
Some of the latest are from thrift stores, and others from estate sales.
Estate Sale Finds
Below is a vintage gyroscope missing the string to spin it. I never had one myself, so I didn’t really know how it worked, but youtube solved that problem!
Paid: $1
As soon as I saw this, I swooped on it…a vintage plastic sewing box with starburst design…very unusual and probably dating from the 50’s-60’s era.
Paid $5
From the same sale came a vintage cup and ball game. I’m sure you recognize these…the object is to flip the ball into the cup, but we all know it’s much harder than it looks!
Paid $1
A particularly pretty CUTTER quilt I found on the 2nd day at an estate sale. Full of holes and tattered, but I always buy these no matter the condition because they always sell at my price of around $20.
Paid $4
Vintage pop-up address file. These usually sell, even with the latest technology in vogue.
Paid: $1
I happily acquired a bunch of Square Dance sewing patterns for a good price at an estate sale a month or so ago. I won’t show them all but here are 2 that sold.
I’ve found that January/February are good months for listing project pieces. What I mean is, right after Christmas, people are thinking about projects to start.
For more patterns, check out my Square dance shop…SquareDanceNWestern.
Initially I thought the sale disappointing for having driven so far to get there, but after knuckling down to dig through drawers and boxes, I found a few treasures.
For my local readers, this sale was in Pell City.
Check out 5 Reasons I Go Picking Out of Town and why it pays off almost every time!
Vintage mug holder from the 70’s era.
Paid: $2
Pair of darling vintage lace gloves for a child, hand-crocheted and made in Italy
Paid: $2
I have often admired these whimsical mail organizers in other people’s shops, and I finally found one! And isn’t he adorable?
Paid: $1
Vintage money/coin compact.
Paid: $1
Sweet vintage purse for evening.
Paid: $4
Lion tiki statue. What do you suppose this is?
Paid: $5
I always buy wooden in/out trays when I see them because they always sell.
Paid: $2
Some months ago I went to an estate sale selling the records of a collector. There were so many, they were stored in a large warehouse! I just bought a few I liked. Most will go in my booth.
And my favorite which I’ll probably keep:
My most recent find are these 2 matching nightstands, which I got for $12.50 each.
Be still my heart!
I was delighted with this score! They will go in my booth when they get a refresh.
Thrift Store Finds
Vintage tissue box holder. Check out those ice skates in the corner! The fact that it was made in France sold me on buying it, but I think it was probably a mistake. It was cute anyway.
Paid: $1.99
I found these 2 old gardening books at my favorite thrift store in Demopolis Alabama. Books are normally slow movers, but I took a chance because they were old (c. 1910). Available on Ebay.
Paid: 10¢ each.
Pair of Homeco oval bird pictures. I thought these were so pretty.
Paid: $1.99 for each.
Drip-Dry vintage clothes hanger/dryer.
You wouldn’t believe how hard this was to open! I struggled in the store, then brought it home because I knew hubby could open it right away. He struggled too, but found the trick.
These type things are all over the internet, but I haven’t seen one exactly like this, so we’ll see.
Paid: $1.99
Chalkware Owl
It’s hard to find chalkware that isn’t chipped or cracked.
Paid: $1.99
Not sure what to call this, but I plan to make a planter out of it, and put it in my booth. Maybe repaint and stencil it.
Paid: $6.99
What would YOU do with this?
Well, that’s all until next time. Thanks for reading this far!
Latest posts by Florence (see all)
- The Latest Vintage Hauls - February 10, 2020
- A Vintage Fall Haul - November 3, 2019
- September Sales on Etsy and My New Antique Booth - September 30, 2019
- Camping Trip Thrift Store Haul - August 2, 2019
These are my favorite posts, Florence. I love peeking at your treasures. The old albums are fun. I knew everyone except Chad and Jeremy! I need to go Google them now!!
Hi Kim!
Chad and Jeremy were part of the British Invasion and were minor counterparts to the Beatles. Check them out on youtube!
Hey Florence! I’m so proud of you for actually sending out an email. (I was getting ready to message you to check on you.) 😀 I’ve done a couple of posts and videos, but keep procrastinating with the emails. Sigh.
So many things have already sold! That’s so encouraging! I had a gyroscope like that in the ’60s, only mine was green. Still have it around here somewhere, actually. I never knew how to work it, either. And those nightstands!! Wow!! Lucky duck! They shouldnt last long.
I sure miss the sales in your “area.” People around here can’t even seem to agree on where – or even IF – to advertise. The last “estate” sale I went to, I only knew about because I saw a sign on the other side of town and miles from the actual sale. They said they advertised in a paper I’d never even heard of and had a special ad in the paper I check online. Of course, the online want ads don’t show the big, special ads. People around here just don’t get it.
Thank you Wanda. I need to check out your site to catch your latest posts. I looked back & saw I haven’t written a post since November! A bit late, I’d say, but thanks for being concerned. I’m just trying to keep my head above water with booth & 2 shops on Etsy. Just don’t have much left over to blog too.
Darn, I’m sorry sales in your area aren’t very good. Did you ever make it over to any of the thrift stores in La Grange, GA?
I see all these youtube videos on people who find such great things at thrift stores, but it hasn’t happened much to me. Just not my days I guess. I tell myself I need to go every week, but I don’t make it that often.
I always enjoy looking at your finds. The statue is a guardian lion, also known as a foo dog.
Thanks so much for that info!! You’ve given me 2 important keywords which I’ll put on my listing. Good to hear from you! Tell Jerry I’m sending love from us.
Are the garden books still on eBay? If so could you post a link to your store? Thank you, Paula
Hi Paula,
Thanks for your interest in the books! I meant to put the link on the article, but forgot, so here they are:
I actually didn’t realize it had been that long since you had blogged. Time flies. It was probably a similar length of time for me. You know that I can sympathize. There are days I just want to give it all up and lose the self inflicted pressure of too much to do. Then I rally a bit. Then get discouraged again. LOL
I haven’t got over to LaGrange yet. I did go to Columbus to a couple of antique malls – which helped me to know that Angel’s is the best in this part of the country. Did you know Columbus has a Goodwill outlet now? It was not a productive day at the bins, but I will go back. It’s just that hour’s drive I don’t want to make time for. That and I have more stuff than I can handle already.
Wanda, I know exactly what you mean about having periods of wanting to hang it up. Periods of discouragement. I have ’em too, but try to keep on keepin’ on. Ha.
Some weekends I don’t even go to estate sales, whereas before it was every weekend. That wore me out over time, and there’s a LOT of competition now. That’s the main reason we go out of town.
I didn’t know Columbus had a Goodwill. Next time we go there, I’ll check it out. I don’t think our Goodwill here is very good, or maybe it’s just me. My favorite thrift stores are Homewood & Hoover Salvation Army, Lovelady’s at Eastwood, and America’s Thrift in Alabaster.
Tell me about having more stuff than you can already! I know about that one!
Hi Florence, I always love getting your emails. Are you still selling on ebay? I know you have your booth too. I am loving my space and having a lot of fun. I’ve decided to dial mine back to just a certain look, it’s a work in progress. I have not had an luck at all selling in ebay but I have so many things that I should list. Just not sure it’s worth the time. You are an inspiration!
Hi Lynn,
Good to hear from you! I don’t see you nearly often enough. I still sell on Etsy, yes. That’s my main place. I do ebay for certain things, and have started there for a few others again…just testing the waters, y’know. That’s where I started, but I’m so glad I went to Etsy.
We need to do lunch one day and play catch up!
Yes let’s!
Interesting finds. I think that last wooden mystery item might be a magazine rack.
Yes it is a magazine rack, but those rarely sell as magazine racks anymore, so I try to find a way to repurpose it.
Love your posts ❤
Thank you Robin!!
Hi Florence, Love to see your treasures. How is your booth doing? I got so busy at work I couldn’t work my booth since Nov!! Right now it is very empty since I sold many items. I’m trying to get it filled again. I am struggling to get motivated again because work is my priority and it is very hectic right now. Sigh! I’ll get back in the swing of things again.
Thank you Ann! I know you’ll find time to work your booth again, but as you say, work must come first. It’s a good problem to have that you sold so many things! I know what you mean though. I worked all through last week on things for my booth, and breathed a sigh of relief that I had it all filled. I could start working my Etsy shop again! But alas, the largest item I had in there sold today, so back to finding something else to fill it!
I have plans to do a sold post soon, so you’ll see those. Thanks for your interest!
You always find the most unusual things FLorence. I can’t believe the price of those gorgeous nightstands. What a bargain and they look like they’de fit right into the “Beauty and the Beast”. I can almost picture them dancing along with the teapots 😀 Love your idea of turning the whatjamacallit into a planter of some sort. It would look amazing in a kitchen filled with fresh herbs.
Michelle! How are you? So glad to hear from you! I always think of you when I’m scanning the world map for covid-19 cases. Hope you’re staying well. Did your kids come home or are they holed up somewhere?
Thanks for visiting over here & commenting! Yes, those nightstands were a great bargain, and they sold in a day I believe. Ha. I never thought of them as dancing in Beauty & the Beast! A lovely picture! I’ve been thinking I need to write another blog post.
Gary & I are staying at home mostly. Don’t go out much & wash, wash, wash. We’re in that danger group age-wise. I don’t mind so much now. I’m finding plenty to do.
Have you heard from Mary? I hope she’s OK since NY has been so hard hit.
We’re okay here in South Africa so far only 160 odd cases, but they have announced a National Disaster and are making plans to curb the virus. The kids haven’t been able to visit since last year July, what with school work. My son’s final year Psychology and hoping to his Master next year and Talea passed all her subject. Can you believe she’s first-year BioChemistry 🙂 Mary is doing okay. I see her on Instagram often taking her beautiful photos although I do believe NY is in lockdown. Stay safe my friend. I think about you all the time and would love to see another one of your blog posts.
Michelle, good to hear from you again. Glad you are my friend! No I can’t believe Talea is doing Bio-Chem. She must be smart! Anything chemistry was above my head!
I talked with Mary & Christina yesterday. Both in lockdown & doing OK. I took a chance today to go to Home Depot. I’m planning on starting a home garden this year. Needed a few supplies. I pray all the time that this shall pass soon. Stay safe & hugs comin’ at you!
Did you go through my thrift store donations, Florence? LOL Have donation remorse for some of these same items. Love the vintage sewing patterns too! Wish I had kept my mother’s.