Stupid yard sale mistakes….arggh…don’t you hate when you have to relearn stuff you thought you already knew?? Every picker knows better than to make these dumb moves… Hopefully I’ve learned my lesson!
I was at a yard sale on Friday, and it was one of those days when there weren’t a lot of sales to begin with and very important to be there early. One of the regular pickers was just loading her truck with interesting goodies when I arrived. We got a late start due to “when you snooze, you lose.” Pure and simple, I just couldn’t get out of bed.
After arrival, I saw a vintage Madame Alexander doll that just happened to be sitting on top of a shoe box full of old doll clothes. You would THINK that someone with my experience would immediately jump on her. In fact, I was surprised she was still there. But I thought I would browse a little before swooping in. REALLY STUPID MISTAKE!
I saw a guy with a ponytail come strolling up, and I thought…”oh, he’s a guy, he won’t be interested in a doll.” MISTAKE! I was a little alarmed when I saw him lingering by the dolls, but he wasn’t holding them yet. So I strolled up, and casually examined the doll with the intention of claiming her myself. It’s the old, “if-somebody-else-wants-it-then-I-know-I-want-it”syndrome. He said in the softest voice, “Ah, I’m looking at her…I’m getting her.” I’m looking at him in controlled disbelief, and I wanted to whine, “You’re NOT holding her…I SAW HER FIRST…SHE’S MINE!” WRONG AGAIN!
So, what do I stume about….stume? I just coined a new word (stew & fume)…ALL weekend, but the STUPID YARD SALE MISTAKES?
Moral of the story:
- “When you snooze, you lose.”
- Don’t assume ANYTHING.
- Grab & Get (politely of course).
You see, I knew better. I just needed a good reminder.
Care to share yours? Oh now, you know you have ’em!
Latest posts by Florence (see all)
- The Latest Vintage Hauls - February 10, 2020
- A Vintage Fall Haul - November 3, 2019
- September Sales on Etsy and My New Antique Booth - September 30, 2019
- Camping Trip Thrift Store Haul - August 2, 2019
Groan. That’s usually when I have a silly snit and stomp off. Instead of holding my ground and saying “You’re not holding her.” Another mistake. If I had been that guy, and I didn’t grab the doll when someone else walked up, I’d be beating myself up for not doing that, because someone just walked off with the doll I wanted.
There was someone I considered a friend. We’d known each other for years. She used to date my brother-in-law before I entered the family. We were the only two people at a yard sale. She was digging through a box. I had looked at everything there and that box was the only thing left to see. I assumed we were friends enough to look through it together. I mean, I’d have let her look with me. Besides, I figured I’d give her first choice of anything good. Wrong! She immediately expanded her person and said she’d be finished in a minute. I left. Have never felt the same about her since.
That was a little tacky of her. I can just see it when you say…”expanded her person.” Ha!