I never got around to making the announcement that I've ventured into the antique booth world! I've been incarcerated there 1-1/2 … [Read More...]

Cheapskate Picker Sharing Finds, DIY & Selling Tips
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I never got around to making the announcement that I've ventured into the antique booth world! I've been incarcerated there 1-1/2 … [Read More...]
Hi there friends and new subscribers! Just want you to know I LOVE having you here, so I'm going to dig in to show you some of my … [Read More...]
I love using napkin decoupage! You get a totally new look for tired glass candle holders using a … [Read More...]
What NOT to Say in Yard Sale Ads...these are based on real ads I've seen on Craig's List, and I read a bazillion of them because I … [Read More...]